Thirty Seconds @ Bandar Sri Damansara, Kuala Lumpur

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Posted by : MeCoffeyJourney November 03, 2014

~ Time stops here ~

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Bandar Sri Damansara used to be known for Sri Bestari high school, surrounded by residential houses. This is where Battle of Baristas Championship (BOBC) 2013 4th placed finalist, Aaron Phua (previously working for DeGayo coffee) and family decided to open a homey cafe in the serene shop houses right in front of the high school's football field.
A homey cafe, frequent by family members staying around the area.
A comfy, simple and clean environment, good coffee served by barista Aaron, and homey homecook-feel food by head chef (Aaron's mum), Thirty Seconds manage to attract loyal local family patrons staying around the area.
Decorations, food and beverage menu, and of course coffee are all done by the Phua family.
Expect friendly greetings from Aaron's father, Richard who addresses all the patrons with a warm and sincere smile, and later asks and acknowledges customers' feedback after meal. A BIG plus to the customer service experience here. :)

Food & Beverage:
All the espresso based coffee is available here, using Thirty Seconds' own house blend. Created by Aaron himself, it is a mix between beans from fully washed Trojas, Costa Rica and Giling Basah (wet hulled) processed Ratawali, Central Aceh Indonesia. Pretty good coffee that is worth travelling all the way to this neighborhood, as expected from a BOBC finalist.
Cappuccino (bottom left) and Mocha (bottom right).
Longing for mum's home cook food? Aaron's mum is the head chef in Thirty Seconds, featuring a very Malaysian-ized menu such as local hawker favourite lou mai kai. This is no usual lou mai kai though, its added with smoked duck!
L.M.K. or Lou Mai Kai with smoked duck toppings (left top).
I manage to only eaten the lou mai kai. Peering at other tables, there are many more local delights that are worth coming back to savour, and that is what I plan to do soon. :)

Thirty Seconds is an example of what the Malaysian cafe scene needs - a menu which has local flavors in it. In addition, very friendly owners and good coffee. Thumbs up!

Till next time ~

Scan or click on the  QR Code to get directions to this café via Google Map
Latitude: 3.192426 
Longitude: 101.611089

Wi-Fi: -

Payment: Cash only

Smoking Area: Available

Main Course: Available

Vegetarian: -

Thirty Seconds
7-G, Jalan Margosa SD 10/4A,
Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur,
Tel: -
Facebook: @Thirty Seconds
Instagram: #30secondsmalaysia
Website: -

Operating Hours:
Monday - Tuesday : 08.00 am ~ 08.00 pm
Wednesday : Off day
Thursday - Sunday : 08.00 am ~ 08.00 pm

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