Dotz Cafe @ Kota Kemuning, Shah Alam

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Posted by : MeCoffeyJourney April 13, 2014

~ Your friendly neighborhood barista-man ~

Cottage bicycle and tree trunks portray an old-fashioned and charming look.

First look at this cafe, the cottage bicycle and the tree trunks placed in front of the shop give out a quaint impression, a scenery seemingly picture-perfect to be included in a movie such as 'The Journey',  or '一路有你'. FYI, 'The Journey' is Malaysia's top grossing local movie of all time with box office sales of RM 12.92 million as of February 2014, beating previous record holder 'KL Gangster' since 2011.

Once situated few doors away from Grandeur Gallery Cafe, this cafe has been relocated to the new Kota Kemuning shop units behind McDonald's, called the Suasana 2 Business Park. For those who are familiar with the area, this cafe is directly in front of the pasar malam spot or the Pao Xiang Bak Kut Teh. Alternatively, you could utilize the Google Map provided below, or click on the QR Code for further directions.
While the new Dotz Cafe is only half the size of the old one, it still delivers the same good quality coffee. 
Once inside, you will realize that this cafe isn't very big. In fact, most of their tables are arranged in a way that there are minimal distances between them. This is done on purpose, according to Dotz Cafe's owner. The reason is to provide closer proximity between customer, to give them a chance to interact and to communicate among each other. 
Minimal distance between sits provides closer proximity between visitors, giving them chances to interact and communicate. 
With a focus to make this cafe very sociocentric, or socially oriented, this cafe owner - cum - barista makes it an effort to talk with and get to know his customers better. "I don't want to just serve my customers good coffee. I want to communicate with them, to make them feel that they could come to this cafe to meet new people, to make new friends, and to probably find potential opportunity to start a business partnership with other patrons", said the cafe owner.
Dotz Cafe's wall of inspiration. Feel free to leave a small note regarding... anything!

Food & Beverage:
The cornerstone of this cafe is its quality coffee. You can even get highly sought-after beans such as the blue mountain and other single origins, depending on availability.
Caffe Latte (top), Caffe Cortado (middle left), Cappuccino (middle right), and Americano (bottom).
One interesting aspect of this cafe frequent patrons will know is that the barista sometimes allow you to make your own coffee (and pay for it of course ^^), as long as you have a basic knowledge on how to operate a coffee machine, and not to injure yourselves through the brewing process. Inspiring baristas who do not have a coffee machine to practice on, this would be the place for you, and the friendly barista might even agree to be your mentor if you are lucky!

This cafe sometimes hold interesting events such as coffee workshops and cupping sessions. If interested, do stay in touch by joining their Facebook page.
Barista sometimes allow patrons to make their coffee, but of course you will need to have basic brewing knowledge to be able to operate the coffee machine (and not injuring yourselves) :)
The barista is also a designer. Hand drawn arts!
Barista - cum - designer in action, showing how latte art is done.
Done! Featuring Catbus or Neko no basu from My Neighbor Totoro.
Dotz Cafe do serve light meals such as English breakfasts, toasts, sandwiches, salads, and pizzas. Cakes and desserts do not have a fixed variety every day, which makes it interesting for the patrons not knowing what to expect! 
Pork bacon sandwich.
Cakes and pizzas!
Brandy Tiramisu.
Ladies, maybe the Cullens are here too? :P

A cafe that promotes patrons to meet new people and to socialize with the neighbors and community, while enjoying a cup of good coffee. In a growing society that strives on productivity but lessen communications and interactions with each other, this cafe do have a virtuous aim to help others to take a step back from our hectic lives and get to know each other better.

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Scan or click on the  QR Code to get directions to this café via Google Map
Latitude: 3.004756
Longitude: 101.539720

Wi-Fi: -

Payment: Cash only

Smoking Area: -

Main Course: Available

Vegetarian: -

Dotz Cafe
No. 3-1, Jalan Anggerik Vanilla 31/93, 
Kota Kemuning,
40460 Shah Alam,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,
Tel : +6 012-902 0220
Email : 
Instagram : #dotzcafe

Operating Hours:
Monday                        : 9.00 am ~ 7.00 pm
Tuesday                        : Off day
Wednesday - Thursday : 9.00 am ~ 7.00 pm
Friday - Saturday          : 9.00 am ~ 9.00 pm
Sunday                          : 9.00 am ~ 7.00 pm

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