La Roasteria Coffee @ Bandar Seremban

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Posted by : MeCoffeyJourney August 06, 2014

~ Coffee-backed business software ~

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Traveled down south from Selangor in search for some good coffee, to the land famous for Siew Pau, Seremban! While dropping by Pasar Besar Seremban for some beef noodles, we spotted a cafe not too far from the market. 
Entrance to La Roasteria Coffee.
Meet La Roasteria Coffee, a small cafe in Seremban Town, Jalan Kong Sang, right next to a DiGi store. Simple designs with a comfy environment, La Roasteria Coffee has been around for quite some time in Seremban, with another branch launched in the relatively new Seremban Prima Shopping Mall.
Comfy small place to enjoy a good cuppa.
Inside, you might be wondering why this cafe is comparatively small despite the size of the shop unit. La Roasteria Coffee actually shares the shop lot with a business software service centre, Sage UBS. On that account, you will be passing by a few corporate cubicles while heading to the washroom at the back of the cafe. How lucky these staffs are to have a cafe just one door away! :)
Coffee beans comparison.

Food & Beverage:
All the usual espresso based coffees are available here. Sandwiches, pastas, and cakes are served too!
Mocha (left), Caffe Latte (right top), and Cappuccino (right bottom).

Seremban's senior cafe located right in the town's central, not too far from Pasar Besar Seremban. Convenient for the locals to enjoy a good cuppa.

Scan or click on the  QR Code to get directions to this café via Google Map
Latitude: 2.727902 
Longitude: 101.936857

Wi-Fi: -

Payment: -

Smoking Area: Available

Main Course: -

Vegetarian: -

La Roasteria Coffee
16, Jalan Kong Sang, 
70000 Seremban,
Negeri Sembilan Darul Khusus,
Tel: +6 010-5468200

Operating Hours:
Monday - Sunday : 08.00 am ~ 06.00 pm

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